Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 8 - Arts, Creativity and Imagination

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Teachers supporting teachers: SERIES 2 EPISODE 8

Arts, Creativity and Imagination



iHeart Radio


Google Podcast

Marni Binder has a varied and vast background as an educator in the early years who has a passion for life long learning. You’ll love Marni, she’s energetic and generous as she passionately talks about the place of arts, creativity and imagination have in schooling. Marni is an arts-based researcher located in Toronto, Canada working currently at Ryerson University.  She dabbles in holistic eductaion and mindfulness as well exploring the intersections of spiritually, wellbeing and arts as they interconnect.  

We discuss what art, imagination and creativity are. Throwing out some traditional definitions and exploring what they mean when we embody them. We think about what they are, and what they contribute when we think about creating in, with, and through the arts. A discovery of ideas and how we can make our thinking viable is highlighted and we consider different mediums and methods for expression. 

We connect with why it is important for us as educators, and for young people, to engage with the arts. And we dig deep into what it can look like in practice. We address how arts can help us reach young people, prompting us as educators to be aware of more holistic and meaningful ways to engage in how we can teach - we explore expression and embodiment  integration verses something we do on a Friday afternoon or where we rely on someone else to teach the arts because "I don’t sing" or "I can’t draw”.  

One of the extra lovely aspects of this podcast episodes is our discussion on top tips for becoming more aware of creativity if you are a little scared or you think it is not your strength. A topic I think some of you will really enjoy to help you develop professionally, and personally. 

We end this episode with a discussion about  the best advice Marni received as a beginner teacher but she didn’t realise its value until later….heads up, we talk, how to compromise with a system and still be aligned to your believes and passions while embracing time with openness, curiosity and perception while figuring our your personal and professional identity. 

We get juicy in this episode and you’ll hear how passionate we are about the arts and the place it has in eductaion. Enjoy and we encourage you to explore the place of arts, creativity and imagination for you both personally and professionally. 

To follow up on based on peeps we mentioned:

Find out more about Marni Binder  and her research.

Find Marni on Twitter here or on Instagram.

Elliot Eisner and his 10 lessons that arts teach us

Sir Ken Robinson  website and ted talk.

BONUS: leaning from home with Ken Robinson. 

Bob Steele drawing as a language and his book.

Andy Goldsworthy nature and outdoor arts on Pinterest,  web, and on YouTube.