I’m passionate about self-care.

Why? Because I know what it is like to feel totally and utterly exhausted that you withdraw, wish you could sleep all day, hidden under the comfort of a doona, and feel like you have no options. I’ve been burnt out. And although I didn’t know it at the time, when it hit me, I realised I didn’t have the resources to pull myself out of the slump. I went searching, read, studied and began to develop a toolbox of resources for myself. As I have shared my story with others, I have realised my situation is not uncommon to for many of us.

We need help with self-care. We know we need to show our self more care, but we are stuck with what to do, how to do it, what options we might have, and how to shift from exhaustion to thriving.

This is when Explore and Create Co. was born.

I want to help you build your resources, so you can flourish and thrive. Building on mindfulness, positive psychology, and education, I research, develop innovative programs, and support individuals and collectives to begin to shift ideas of the hustle. Integral to this is making self-care a priority.

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed isn't meant to be an everyday experience.

There is a better way...

My view is that there is a better way to approach this. By connecting into the mindful practices of being self-aware, self-managed, grateful, non judgemental and curious we can flourish as individuals, leaders, and within our teams.

I believe we are always learning. Through this philosophy and connecting with our lived experiences, I can support you to optimise performance and wellbeing. I can help you to shift the place of self-care in your life to support your wellbeing.

I invite you to EXPLORE and discover possibilities and new ways of working, CREATE opportunities for yourself and your team to be innovative, and CO.llaborate in new and exciting ways in order to flourish.