Series 6 Episode 5: Navigating study and placement during the pandemic, with a focus on personal wellbeing

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In Series 6 of Teachers Supporting Teachers Podcast we go local, global and international in hearing stories from pre-service teachers about becoming a teacher during a pandemic.

In this episode we are fortunate to be talking to one of our final year primary education students, Aliesha, who shares with us some of the ways that she ‘navigated study and placement during the pandemic, with a focus on personal wellbeing’. Throughout this episode Katrina van Vuuren and Aliesha reflect on  experiences of studying during a pandemic, with a focus on connections, support networks and additional resources that helped her.

Aliesha then shares her unique experiences out on placement and how she navigated these during a pandemic. She reflects on some of the similarities and differences between these experiences that she encountered, and discusses some of the challenges, support avenues and wellbeing considerations throughout this time. To conclude this episode, Aliesha generously shares some overall reflections on becoming a teacher during this time and offers some valuable wellbeing and self-care strategies and tips.

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