Series 6 Episode 1: Becoming a teacher during the pandemic - caring duties beyond just being a teacher

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In Series 6 of Teachers Supporting Teachers Podcast we go local, global and international in hearing stories from pre-service teachers about becoming a teacher during a pandemic.

Welcome to this episode where Susie Boyes joins Narelle to talk about becoming a teacher during the pandemic. Susie is a third year  pre-service teacher at Swinburne University of Technology and she talks in depth in this episode about caring duties as a teacher, parent and carer of her mother.  Revealed are insights into what it is like to home school, teach from home, and teach in a classroom with new covid safe protocols. We explore the power of gallery view, feedback, relationships, and caring for each other.  We unpack a number of areas including passion and compassion for self and others, embracing micro-moments, and prioritising self-care.

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