Series 6 Episode 2: Becoming a teacher during the pandemic - there is hope with challenge

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In Series 6 of Teachers Supporting Teachers Podcast we go local, global and international in hearing stories from pre-service teachers about becoming a teacher during a pandemic.

In this episode Susan is joined by Sharon Chin and Ainie Amanie from Institut Pendidikan Guru, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak in Malaysia. Ainie and Sharon share how they prepared, supported self and others, and taught across two different situations including a 3 month nursery / kindergarten placement undertaken face-to-face  despite the pandemic in March 2021 and then  a second placement that was online with pre-school for 3 months in October 2021. The emotions and experiences of "challenging" and "hope" are  explored in this episode featuring an in-depth discussion about becoming a teacher. They shared how they survived their online teaching practice and how being flexible and being open to new experiences boost their wellbeing.

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